The summer job

By: Adam Cesare 
*Read the prologue, I know sometimes you want to skip it but, its important

Creepy town, creepy hotel, creepy people, adds up to a creepy book. 

I enjoyed the cast of characters. Some characters you rooted for, some you hope died, but all around they were well written. I enjoyed Tobin the most  because whats not to like about a small town boy who can handle a gun?

I also enjoyed the priest because I feel like he always radiated hope. I won't say what he was hopeful for you will need to find that out for yourself. 

The only problem I had was that the book took off way too fast after introducing something. I wanted more answers and it just went too quick barely scratching the surface. 

It really is worth checking out though, might keep you from stopping in small towns on your next road trip. 


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